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my Eagle scout project

The Eagle Scout rank is the highest rank in Scouting and comes with great challenges and responsibilities. In order to earn this rank, one of tasks is to plan and execute a service project of your choosing. During this project, the scout must lead a group of people to achieve a service for the community. 

the rosary walk

For my Eagle Scout Project, I created a Rosary Walk for my local Catholic Elementary School. The Rosary Walk consisted of 7 sign posts depicting the Mysteries of the Rosary. Each sign had an illustration of that mystery, a small explanation of the scene, and a diagram showing where the children are in reference to saying the rosary.


The walk was complete with a beginning sign depicting what set of mysteries are displayed and an end sign with a small prayer box for the children to place their written prayer intentions.


The illustrations of each sign are also able to slide out so the school can change the set of Mysteries according to the catholic calendar. 

With the help of many volunteers, I cut, sanded, and screwed together all the handmade wooden designs. All the posts were then installed into the ground with concrete and covered with mulch and flowers. The signs were then mounted to the signposts and bolted in for stability. The signs then underwent the final touches like sealing the cracks and adding the prayer box to the final sign.


After presenting the Rosary Walk to the school, I delivered bags of Rosaries for each student and a brochure I had made that further explained each of the mysteries. 

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